About us
“I love serving at the Quest!
Seeing people happy, safe and having fun inspires me to wake up each morning.”
— Aaron Rybka, Site Manager
“Camps have always been a meaningful part of my life. The Quest is a great place to serve and I’m pleased to be part of the team.”
— Gil Klassen, Executive Director
The Quest was founded in 1945 giving it over 75 years of ministry and camping experience. We are a registered charitable organization that functions as a Baptist Camping and Retreat centre.
Since its inception in 1945, we celebrate the years of what God has been able to do through us for other people.
The purpose of camp from the beginning and ever now was to:
1. introduce the campers to Jesus Christ.
2. deepen the spiritual life of the campers with their roots firmly planted in the Word of God.
3. a place to share the talents and abilities God has given to them with others. we have reached beyond our denomination putting Christ first.
4. a common meeting place, sharing the same interest and committment, of the North Sask. Baptist Churches and others.
5. a place to provide our youth, families with outdoor education and recreation and even a place to train them in something they could use in their leisure time.
The camp today and from the beginning has been set in the natural surroundings, a community family style camp. The camp policy has always been for the safety of the campers. The preservation of the natural beauty, keeping close to a wilderness camp whilst following our provincial regulations.
As the years pass, you remember less about the bugs and inconveniences and more about the beauty of the tall spruce lovely surrounding. You remember the early morning devotions with the sun just starting to shine on the lake.
Camp is not facts and figures. Camp is not the improvements that have been made each year. Camp is not who the counsellors were or the directors, or the cooks.
Although these are important, camp is teens, youths, adults ...people !! It was for people that it was started and that is why it is still going today.
God has used the camp to touch the lives of many in committing their lives to Him.
Camp is a time when young people, children and even adults, are away from the hurry and noise of life, to explore nature in all its splendour that God has provided for us. It is a time when we can quietly sit in the "cathedral" of God's outdoors talk to God and better yet to listen to Him speak to us. We find this peaceful place a time to ask the questions and reflect on those things that we find no time for at home, or to make a commitment to His work or just find there is more to the Christian life than what we have been experiencing adding a freshness in our walk with Him.
There are many facts and figures about camp. We could fill page after page about the buildings built, or the improvements done to the camp, but that is not camp.
Camp started because of a vision or dream or desire to share the Gospel with other people whether they were young people, children or adults.